Hello, Iā€™m Michelle!

I am passionate about sharing faith stories and providing resources to help families and kids ministries build strong foundations. My ultimate goal is to help you tell the greatest story ever told!

In 2004, God healed me of adult-onset epilepsy, for which I had been told there was no cure and it was estimated I was having 50 -100 seizures a day... say what? This is a really great story! You can check in out here.

Fast forward to 2016ā€¦ I experience another healing miracle during and after a TMJ surgery. You can read about it here.

After serving as a kids' pastor for over 20 years, the most common question I receive from parents is, "How do I talk to my kids about faith?" I knew I had to answer this question, and so I began my journey to create resources to help families build a strong foundation of faith.

It all began with a little story about faith that I wrote and illustrated, a children's picture book called MOVE OVER. This book is all about mountain-moving faith and encourages children to trust in God. Along with the book, I created the FAITH ADVENTURE ROADMAP which is a faith-builder's roadmap that takes you on a new adventure to help you grow stronger in your faith at each stop. It's a fun product that helps parents and kids talk about faith and learn together.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about my story and the resources that I have created. My mission is to help families and kids ministries build strong foundations of faith, and I am thrilled to offer you these resources to help you on your faith journey.

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